HomeCultureThe Confederated Empire Land of Opportunity

The Confederated Empire Land of Opportunity

The Confederated Empire of Bir Tawil and other Territories is a nation that seceded from the US in November of 2020. The founder is Emperor Bryce Leroy Spangler Provance Ivrea I. They state a well-crafted claim that since the United States signed the Montevideo convention it became supreme law of the land under Article 6 of the United States Constitution and therefore they are in all respects a free and independent country. A dream that the Emperor states he has had since childhood, but since coming to adulthood he wanted to be able to make his daughter a princess and any future children princes and princesses.
Their Emperor is an Author, Musician and former militia leader who plans to lead the nation into a true and recognized independnce. They have created a currency, postal service, governmental ministries, and bought 3 parcels of land, and declared them independant. He states that his goals are to gain recognition for their country and build floating Islands in the Gulf of mexico while repurposing some of the 15,000 abandoned oil rigs in that region. He also touts that the nation has no business tax and only requires that if a business wants to incorporate in their country there is a filing fee and a small yearly renewal fee.
The Emperor has a large red beard and striking features, green eyes that seem aat once sad and knowing then sparkling with a lively mirth about some joke he is privy to and we are not. “ When I started this thing I wanted my daughter to be a princess to the world as she was to me. As things matured I wanted to succeed where my ancestors failed in the War for Southern Independence.

When I found the Montevideo convention it floored me and I was like I have found it! Now we seek to gain recognition from other nations and try to support other States seeking sovereignty. We have always rejected the term Microntion and still do to this day, we feel it is a term for people who think this is a game to be played and are not serious about Independance.”
They have a store, and sell patents of nobility the Emperor states “as the Italians used too. But we want anyone who has dreamed of being a Lord or Lady to be able to attain that in a real way, not in some buy one foot of land and call yourself Laird way” and they have a clothing and houseware line.

The Emperor also states at one point in Tennessee they had several stores accepting their currency as it waas backed by silver. The Empire also claims successorhood to the Republic of Yucatan which you can find on their website.


You can find the emperor’s books at
The Emperor bids us farewell from his windswept mountain and hopes we will all become citizens of the Empire.



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