HomeBusinessScammer Harriet Turner Rivas, impersonated George Christophides’ role, as the UNESCO WFUCA...

Scammer Harriet Turner Rivas, impersonated George Christophides’ role, as the UNESCO WFUCA President, by creating fake websites with the intention of defaming and extorting public figures

Harriet Turner Rivas Azcarraga Baston created multiple fraudulent websites posing as UNESCO WFUCA, such a: unescowfuca.us, wfuca.mx, legalunescowfuca.com, unescowfuca.org, unescofederacion.org, harrietturner.com, harrietturner.net, among others, where she claimed to be the WFUCA President. All of these sites are fake, the real site is WFUCA.org.

A group of 200 victims have written a letter to UNESCO and to António Guterres, Enrique Renteria, and the legitimate President of WFUCA, George Christophides, regarding the actions and slanderous behavior of Turner Rivas. (Letter below)

The authenticity of Harriet Turner Rivas’ identity has come under scrutiny, as her name, Harriet Turner Rivas Azcarraga de Baston, has been exposed as false. Although she asserted being married to a Baston, there is no record of their marriage in public archives. Emilio Azcarraga and José Baston have both rejected any affiliation or acquaintance with her. Additionally, Turner Rivas has alleged ties to the Slim family, but they have also refuted any association with her. She simply takes photos with them and then makes up a new lie.

Miguel Ángel Bermúdez Avilés and Harriet Turner are two individuals who have been identified as engaging in fraudulent behavior by creating fake websites with the intention of defaming and extorting public figures. Harriet Turner Rivas de Baston, in particular, has been found to falsely claim that she is a representative of the Vatican and UNESCO. Also claiming she is a Countess of Indigenous Mexicans, as well as stating she was born in Liverpool, UK, her lies go on and on.

Her partners Miguel Ángel and Yalina Zaldivar Vega, they have been known to create numerous websites that are used to attack and cyberbully their victims. Following this, they demand identification to steal their identities or payment for removing the names of their victims from these fake websites. Reports indicate that the trio has successfully scammed several individuals, including actress Yalitza Aparicio. As a result, they are presently facing charges of fraud and falsification of documents.

During her fraudulent endeavors, Harriet Turner Rivas has been discovered to fabricate and employ counterfeit papers such as a fraudulent passport and a forged letter of appointment from UNESCO. She was taken into custody in Mexico for her illicit activities and is presently residing in Cuernavaca. Reports reveal that she has defrauded a minimum of ten individuals and has amassed roughly hundreds of thousands Mexican pesos by posing as an organizer of cultural events and an advocate for educational programs. To establish her credibility, she has been known to utilize the name of a legitimate UNESCO representative and, to deceive her victims, she produces and utilizes fraudulent documents. The authorities are urging anyone who may have been victimized by Harriet Turner’s scheme to come forward.

Harriet Turner is evidently a deceitful and dishonest person who is involved in illegal activities alongside her cohorts, Miguel Ángel and Yalina Zaldivar Vega. Their fraudulent practices are not only unethical but also despicable, as they target and disparage the work of individuals who have received international recognition for their efforts. They engage in cyberbullying with the intention of intimidating and blackmailing their victims. Miguel Ángel and Yalina are Harriet’s partners in these unlawful acts, and they possess multiple websites in their names to carry out their fraudulent schemes. It is crucial that such criminal activities are terminated and that the perpetrators are held accountable for their actions.

They have several websites in their name, including: https://editorialnoticias.com/, https://foroactual.net/, https://foroinformativo.com/, https://gacetadenoticias.com/, https://mexiconoticias.net/, hable.se, expresa.se, reportedelaeconomia.com, elpublique.me, https://noticiasdedia.com/, https://noticiasparatodos.com/, https://publinoticias.net/, and https://legalunescowfuca.com, awriterwithfreedom.com and many more. Do not fooled and follow blinding. Do your own due diligence and make the decision accordingly.

Photos are names of the victims they defame.



Miguel Ángel Bermúdez Avilés and Harriet Turner are scammers who create fake websites to defame and extort public figures

Yalina Hortensia Zaldivar Vega y Harriet Turner extorsionadoras de figuras públicas

Miguel Ángel Bermúdez Avilés, Harriet Turner Rivas Baston Azcarraga, and Yalina Hortensia Zaldivar Vega the extortionists of public figures through their fake websites


Harriet Turner Rivas Baston, Miguel Ángel Bermúdez Avilés, Yalina Hortensia Zaldivar Vega: Criminals Defaming Public Figures and Extorting Them for Money

Miguel Ángel Bermúdez Avilés and Harriet Turner are scammers who create fake websites to defame and extort public figures










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