HomeBusinessPetros Pournatzis THE GREEK mangate of startup business in USPetros Pournatzis moved...

Petros Pournatzis THE GREEK mangate of startup business in USPetros Pournatzis moved to US in 2012 without any knowledge of English language or the countries mentality, through hustle, motivation and a lot of business failures after 10 years finally made the American Dream reality. Today Petros owns a trade supply company, a fashion design line multiple private label startups and he keeps going strong and unstoppable. “ Petros Pournatzis stated that his goal is to show younger generations that everything is possible every idea can be reality even if there is no capital, the key is to be creative, different and make people see what you see in your products. Below are the companies and startups that Petros has created GooseFashion goosesuppliesco THAT MAFIA SAUCE Ezekiel pournatzis cigars Zito International.

Petros Pournatzis moved to US in 2012 without any knowledge of the English language or the country’s mentality, through hustle, motivation, and a lot of business failures after 10 years finally made the American Dream reality.
Today Petros owns a trade supply company, a fashion design line multiple private label startups and he keeps going strong and unstoppable. “ Petros Pournatzis stated that his goal is to show younger generations that everything is possible and every idea can be a reality even if there is no capital, the key is to be creative, different and make people see what you see in your products.
Below are the companies and startups that Petros has created:
-Ezekiel pournatzis cigars
-Zito International.



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