HomeBusinessXova & The Goddesses

Xova & The Goddesses

We have been seeing a lot of headlines about this up-and-coming woman empowering
brand The Palace Society . Our source told us that there has been a lot of talks about a
mysterious, wealthy businessman building a mansion for the hottest influencers in the
world. They call them goddesses because they live in a palace .You might ask is this the
new and improved playboy mansion? Do we have the next Hugh Hefner emerging
amongst us? And to our surprise, it was none of the above.

The Palace Society is a community for women to build and empower other women. Even
though it is not built yet sources say that the reason it’s the palace is because there will be
a whopping 14 rooms inside this luxurious estate. The location is still disclosed, but we are
very curious to see what comes of this esoteric rumor.

Xova Light
Xova Light

Now for the scoop on this businessman. All we know is that he is a former professional
athlete and ex-fling to Kylie Jenner. Unfortunately, we don’t know too much. As he does
pretty well of keeping out of the spotlight, but we do know he has secrets. We do not have
his origins, but his name is Xova Light. Like it or not if what he is doing for women is
true, by giving them opportunities to be successful. We must say that’s pretty honorable
and very rare for a man of power to open doors for women. He might be mysterious, but
you can’t be a villain in every story. For more information on the company, check them out

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