HomeWorldHong Kong's 'Captain America' imprisoned for secession under National Safety Regulation

Hong Kong’s ‘Captain America’ imprisoned for secession under National Safety Regulation

A Hong Kong pro-democracy protestor referred to as “Captain America” has actually been imprisoned on secession fees.

Ma Chun-man was condemned last month of standing up placards and also shouting objection mottos for Hong Kong” s self-reliance.

He was punished to 5 years and also 9 months behind bars by a court on Thursday.

The 31-year-old previous food distribution motorist is the 2nd individual to be founded guilty under Hong Kong’s National Safety Regulation.

Yet he was the initial to be condemned of non-violent criminal activities under the debatable legislation, which was presented in 2015 after prevalent presentations.

Chun-man was recognized to many individuals as “Captain America 2.0” since he lugged the superhero’s guard throughout pro-democracy demonstrations.

District attorneys state he shouted words such as “Free Hong Kong, the change of our time” and also “Hong Kong self-reliance is the only escape”.

He had actually rejected the fees and also his legal representatives had actually said that the mottos were “vacant words”.

Stanley Chan, a specifically assigned magistrate, claimed on Thursday that Chun-man had “the intent and also behavior (of a person) prompting others to withdraw”.

” Whether he made use of physical violence, whether he resisted police, whether his suggestions were identified by others – none of that issues,” Chan claimed.

In a transcribed letter to the court, Chun-man claimed he had “no embarassment or is sorry for regarding what I did”.

Amnesty International has actually defined his sentence for secession as “shocking” and also has actually condemned the Hong Kong federal government.

Beijing enforced the nationwide safety and security legislation on Hong Kong in June 2020 and also claims the regulations has actually brought security to the semi-autonomous area.

Yet pro-democracy lobbyists state that the regulations has actually punished all kinds of dissent in Hong Kong and also greater than 100 individuals have actually been billed under the legislation.

The initial individual to be founded guilty in July, Tong Ying-kit, was punished for riding a motorbike right into cops while swing a flag with an objection motto.

He was put behind bars for 9 years on fees of prompting secession and also terrorism.

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