HomeEuropeUnited KingdomAnger as UK mistakenly shares personal data of 250 Afghan interpreters

Anger as UK mistakenly shares personal data of 250 Afghan interpreters

London has actually confessed erroneously sharing the individual information of greater than 250 Coverings that helped British pressures and also are looking for to transplant in the UK.

The UK” s Ministry of Support duplicated them right into an e-mail, enabling all receivers of the message to see their names and also images occasionally connected, according to the BBC

The ministry has actually apologised to “all those influenced” and also revealed it was opening up an examination.

Numerous political leaders blasted the federal government over the event, highlighting that numerous Afghans that teamed up with NATO pressures are afraid for their lives under the Taliban.

Traditional MP Johnny Mercer stated the Ministry of Support is accountable for “criminally” allowing them down, including that the event will certainly require them to alter real estate to avoid effects.

Objection additionally originated from the resistance, with darkness assistant John Healey accusing the government of having actually “unnecessarily placed lives in jeopardy”.

The information mistake follows head of state Boris Johnson, in August, revealed a resettlement system for around 20,000 Covering evacuees, with top priority offered to those “endangered by the present situation”.

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